It’s mostly gone…

But not quite. My temperature is still spiking from time to time ,causing sweating that menopausal women would recognize as night sweats. It’s the kind of sweating that ,in the morning, you look at the bed and see you’ve sweated your silhouette onto the sheets, or if it’s daytime, you’re clothes are stuck to you. That’s bad enough, but then throw in half an hour of frozen to the core . But those are my only symptoms left, and they finally feel like they’re waning.

So today, I had a bath followed by a walk, with the leg brace around the hallway outside the condo using the handrails hubby put up. I just went once around, but…

Confession time. It was my first walk in about a year. I’ve been lazy and mildly depressed so I’ve neglected my exercise. Until I discovered and purchased my Zeen, I thought that if I could transfer, that’s all I needed . Then I saw the videos for the Zeen and thought it looked like something I could do.

I still think that I can use the Zeen. I just have to strengthen my left leg somewhat and my core a little. So it’s once around the railing every day until I’m able to Zeen.

A bit of good news amongst the bad

So it turns out that I’ve been sick since Sunday and I had no idea. Don’t worry, it’s not covid, but a bout of norovirus, aka stomach flu, making me nauseated and dizzy, and it’s making me either super hot and sweaty or frozen to my core.I’m still dealing with some symptoms, but they’re not nearly as bad as they were. In case you didn’t realize it, that’s the good news.

How is that good, I hear you asking. Well, it means I might be able to use my Zeen after this passes. My body is feeling stronger today, and I’m looking forward to feeling fully better so I can get my butt up onto the Zeen and maybe be able to walk a bit. At least, that is my hope .

Also, I did mention that I’d be posting story posts, and that is still going to happen. It’s just going to be a little longer .

Wow, my brain is more damaged than I thought!

So the Zeen arrived yesterday, and I quickly got on it and tried to walk, but the carpet was the enemy,so hubby wheeled me out to the tiled hallway, where I almost puked immediately. I sat there for a while and tried it again, but I was too dizzy .it was at that point that I came to the realization that I need to slow down and take each step of the process as a goal in itself. Step one is sitting at barstool height without becoming dizzy and nauseated. This may take some time.

Sat in my Zeen for a half hour today. Hope to have another sit later this afternoon.

Yes, 7.5 years after my stroke and the brain is still an issue. It feels as if my brain is floating around in my skull at this new higher height, and it’s not a good feeling . It’s definitely going to take some time before I’m going to be able to get outside with it. But I did promise video today, so the below is a video of the chair I use for outdoor and transfers into the car.

Also to view the video just click the YouTube button

Watch “Zeen: Eye-Level Chats – Ep 1 Kristen H” on YouTube incomplete spinal chord injury

I’m ordering mine on Monday. After watching this video, it occurs to me that our friend at #wheelsnoheels might be able to benefit from the zeen as well. Invented by the same fellow who invented the steadicam and other camera mounts, Garrett Brown, after his parents had been dealing with the effects of old age and as he saw their friends deteriorating as well. Inventors have a quality that no one else seems to have, the ability to look at the current devices and see what’s missing.

The zeen team has thought of everything, including us one-handed folks. Yes,the Zeen can be controlled by one hand . Just make sure that you choose the one hand control option, and you will be able to enjoy your Zeen, sitting, standing, walking,and even coasting .

I can’t wait !