This year’s April Fools Day prank

So, in my family, when someone famous dies, we text each other with the name of the departed,their age, and the cause of death. This morning ,I sent 2 such texts to  1 to my mother and 1 to my husband .

The message read:

Donald Trump 77,heart attack

Then, 5 minutes later, they got the following text ,

APRIL FOOLS! You should have known… he has no heart 😉. Admit it, you got a little happy when you read this.

22 minutes goes viral with this clip!

This hour has 22 minutes has been kicking comedy ass this season. First with their Love is blind spoof and now Justin Trudeau singing I’m Just In, a parody of I’m just tKen from the Barbie movie. Gotta say that I’m loving new cast member,Chris Wilson and his on the money impressions. He’s one to watch.

My biggest upcoming challenge

What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?

I’m about to undergo another dental cleansing. If you recall from the last one, a cleansing is not the same as having your teeth cleaned. Never make that mistake when making your appointment. I’m finally having my lowers removed. The upper teeth were an easy heal, and,as I have a ridiculously high tolerance for dental pain, not too stressful. But for some reason, I’m nervous about being put under this time. I’m nervous about how the lower gums will heal. I’m nervous about losing weight during the healing process, as I’ve finally been able to put on about 7 lbs, but I’m still underweight. The last time I was in hospital, I overheard the doctor dictate my diagnosis,among others,into a recording device, and he started the other ones with,  otherwise healthy female… his words for me were otherwise unhealthy. Those words lit a fire for me. I’m trying to get healthier, as much as I can through diet, not that it’ll help the aneurysms in my brain, but to hopefully stop multiple infections I’ve been getting. Removing the lower teeth is part of the move towards a healthier body, and hopefully, one that is able to gain some weight and some strength. I’d love to get strong enough to confidently board a plane to Europe. That’s the long goal. Short term, strong enough to withstand a luxury train trip for 48 hours, hopefully this fall.