Just ask me

What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain.

I like to think that the answer to this question is yes,but…

I’m happy to respond to any questions about my disability,myself, or my wheelchair, as long as you ask them directly to me and not the person I’m with. Always assume that the person who uses a wheelchair can speak for themselves, to assume otherwise, is disrespectful. Because MOST PEOPLE WHO USE WHEELCHAIRS, EVEN POWER CHAIRS CAN SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!

Sorry, but it makes me angry 😠

My biggest upcoming challenge

What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?

I’m about to undergo another dental cleansing. If you recall from the last one, a cleansing is not the same as having your teeth cleaned. Never make that mistake when making your appointment. I’m finally having my lowers removed. The upper teeth were an easy heal, and,as I have a ridiculously high tolerance for dental pain, not too stressful. But for some reason, I’m nervous about being put under this time. I’m nervous about how the lower gums will heal. I’m nervous about losing weight during the healing process, as I’ve finally been able to put on about 7 lbs, but I’m still underweight. The last time I was in hospital, I overheard the doctor dictate my diagnosis,among others,into a recording device, and he started the other ones with,  otherwise healthy female… his words for me were otherwise unhealthy. Those words lit a fire for me. I’m trying to get healthier, as much as I can through diet, not that it’ll help the aneurysms in my brain, but to hopefully stop multiple infections I’ve been getting. Removing the lower teeth is part of the move towards a healthier body, and hopefully, one that is able to gain some weight and some strength. I’d love to get strong enough to confidently board a plane to Europe. That’s the long goal. Short term, strong enough to withstand a luxury train trip for 48 hours, hopefully this fall.

Watch “They call him “The Canine Picasso”! 🤣” on YouTube

As you know, from time to time I share cute dog videos here and for the first time ever I am giving you the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a youtu.be channel before it blows up big. You see, Clarence is a black lab from champion bloodlines and we get his side of every story and it’s hilarious. Watch the video below and get what I mean.

Could Pauly Shore be an Oscar winning casting choice?

I met Pauly Shore a few times in the early 1990s, and I found him to be a sweet and sensitive man with a great deal of empathy

Over the past week, there has been some chatting online regarding a short film that takes on the story of Richard Simmons called the Court jester, starring Pauly Shore in the role of Richard Simmons. I have always thought that Pauly has talent that has yet to be tapped. With the right story and direction, I maintain that Mr Shore has oscar potential. Finally, I found the whole thing and thought I’d share it here.

Please use the comments to let me know if you are impressed or surprised by the quality of the performance. Would you watch a full movie of this story?

My thoughts have changed somewhat.

What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

I’ve actually been meaning to write on this topic for a while now but needed a way into it, so thanks for the prompt.

Before my massive stroke 8 plus years ago, I was looking forward to every birthday, proudly proclaiming my age to anyone who asked. I wanted to live a very long life. Since surviving that stroke, my thoughts on the matter have changed somewhat. I now know that my paralysis is permanent. This is something that I’m still coming to grips with, and there are moments of real depression in which I admit to having some dark thoughts. My husband’s father is in hospice with dementia, and my grandmother died with dementia I see that it’s possible to live too long. As long as you’ve got your health, both mental and physical, a longer lifespan is something I encourage and even applaud, but if either is weakened significantly, then I hold absolutely no judgment at all over what you may or may not decide to do for yourself.

Every weekday evening…

Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

My husband and I turn on the TV, and it’s time to play Jeopardy ! And, while I still miss Alex Trebek as host, I am enjoying his personal pick to replace him, Ken Jennings. He was the perfect replacement, being the title holder for most games won in a row with 74, he was the natural choice and he’s grown into the role of host beautifully. I’m just glad that the show finally made up their minds