This took far too long

List 30 things that make you happy.

Hubby and Boo
Going out with friends
Power wheelchair that folds like a lawn chair and fits in the trunk of the car
Hubby’s smile
The books of Christopher Moore
People who choose joy
Nostalgia and generosity
Graham in a box
Supportive parents like
Jimbo’s mom
People achieving unlikely dreams, like Naomi Smalls, became a model for Vogue
A great meal for my birthday
Trust from a wild animal
The comfort of my new lift chair
Graham waiting for breakfast
Women who have triumphed over adversity
British humor
Living in Canada 🇨🇦
Canadian humor
Space exploration and technology
The music of the Rolling Stones
Mick Jagger
The way Neal Degrasse Tyson explains things
Free Canadian Healthcare
The knowledge that my rights and freedoms won’t be taken from me
The ballet
The fact that I’m still here and healthy, aside from the permanent paralysis of course

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