Wow, my brain is more damaged than I thought!

So the Zeen arrived yesterday, and I quickly got on it and tried to walk, but the carpet was the enemy,so hubby wheeled me out to the tiled hallway, where I almost puked immediately. I sat there for a while and tried it again, but I was too dizzy .it was at that point that I came to the realization that I need to slow down and take each step of the process as a goal in itself. Step one is sitting at barstool height without becoming dizzy and nauseated. This may take some time.

Sat in my Zeen for a half hour today. Hope to have another sit later this afternoon.

Yes, 7.5 years after my stroke and the brain is still an issue. It feels as if my brain is floating around in my skull at this new higher height, and it’s not a good feeling . It’s definitely going to take some time before I’m going to be able to get outside with it. But I did promise video today, so the below is a video of the chair I use for outdoor and transfers into the car.

Also to view the video just click the YouTube button

It’s not a wheelchair, but a kid rig, non medical accessible off-road fun for kids

I follow this YouTube channel because the main guy builds all kinds of cool stuff, including putting an elevator in his house for his wife, who is a wheelchair user . In this video, they introduce a brand new product for kids that they built and sell.

Watch “Zeen: Eye-Level Chats – Ep 2 John D” on YouTube stroke survivor

I thought you might like to see the video that sold me on the Zeen. I’m just one month away from my 7 year anniversary from being released from the hospital after 6 months and 2 days residing there. Had open heart surgery to remove a huge benign tumor from my right atria, recovered from that, and then the real work began stroke recovery. Unfortunately, I have some permanent paralysis that can not be dealt with in my left arm and hand and in my left ankle . The man in this video has found his own way to use his Zeen. This is what encouraged me to research the Zeen.

A stair assist from Norway that hemiplegics can use?!

As someone who prefers doing the things that I can do ,climbing and decending stairs is a hit and miss situation depending upon my level of energy at the time. I feel the overuse of my whole right/non paralyzed side in my muscles for days afterward. I can see this clever invention from Norway can help. If you’re hemiplegic or just dealing with temporary hemiperesis, I encourage you to watch the video below and see if you think it would help your issues with the enemy stairs 😉