Watch “What are the Northern Lights? | Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains…” on YouTube

I’ve been lucky enough to have seen the northern lights 3 times in my life. The first time, I was in Prince Rupert, in northern British Columbia, the second time was just outside of Stockholm Sweden and the last time I was in Hazelton in northern British Columbia again . All three sightings were so amazing ! It’s such a beautiful sight. But I had no idea what I was seeing, REALLY.

Watch “Neil & NASA Explain James Webb’s First Images” on YouTube

I really hope that you’re not getting too sick of the Neil degrasse Tyson videos. I’m particularly fond of his explainer videos ,of which this is one, for 2 main reasons. Number one, they tend to be shorter and, I don’t know about you, but I really have to be in the mood to watch a video that’s longer than 30 minutes, so I try not to take too much of your time. The second reason is that Neil explains each topic fully and in a way that even Chuck Nice understands, no offense meant, mister Nice. But he also doesn’t make us laypeople feel stupid.

Watch “You may not be able to sleep after this one…” on YouTube

Just a short video today. I’m personally terrified of my own body. Simply knowing what it has done to me so far, between the tumor inside my heart, the massive stroke it caused and the multiple cerebral aneurysms, also caused by the heart tumor, and the knowledge that it’s shortened my lifespan,is it any wonder why? Obviously Neil is very lucky and healthy because he has to imagine something to be afraid of . In my case, my fear is coming from inside the house.

Watch “Concussions with Neil deGrasse Tyson, Leonard Marshall, & Heather Berlin” on YouTube

You don’t have to have a stroke to get brain damage. This podcast deals with concussion and CTE. I’m posting this here because I’m very interested in brain science and brain damage. It’s amazing to me how many ways there are to damage the brain and just how similar each type of damage is. Weather it’s a stroke, brain tumor, or heading a soccer ball every day, there are striking similarities in the way the damage affects the person. This is a long video, over an hour, so watch as much as you want, I won’t be offended. I found this to be a fascinating conversation, especially when Heather Berlin gets to speak.